Friday, April 14, 2006


上主, 求你因聖子的苦難, 寬恕我們的罪過. 雖然我們不配深受宏恩, 但願能依靠你的仁慈, 藉聖子無匹的犧牲, 與你重歸於好. 因你的聖子我主基督耶穌, 他和你及聖神, 是獨一上帝, 永生永王. 阿們.



上主, 你的聖子承行你的旨意, 屈尊就卑, 降生成人, 服從至死, 在十字架上犧牲. 求你助佑我們, 步武謙抑自下的基督, 因而分享他的復活. 他和你及聖神, 是獨一上帝, 永生永王. 阿們.


Collect for Good Friday

Eternal God, in the cross of Jesus we see the cost of our sin and the depth of your love: in humble hope and fear may we place at his feet all that we have and all that we are, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

(Collect for Good Friday, Common Worship)