上帝, 我們的天父, 你出於厚愛, 派遣你的聖子來臨, 讓世界得以新生. 聖子正與被嫌棄者一處, 正在患難者中間, 求你引領我們尋見他. 因基督之名, 求主俯聽我們的祈禱.
God our Father, in love you sent your Son that the world may have life: lead us to seek him among the outcast and to find him in those in need, for Jesus Christ's sake.
(Additional Collect for the Second Sunday after Christmas, Common Worship)
上帝, 我們的天父, 你出於厚愛, 派遣你的聖子來臨, 讓世界得以新生. 聖子正與被嫌棄者一處, 正在患難者中間, 求你引領我們尋見他. 因基督之名, 求主俯聽我們的祈禱.
God our Father, in love you sent your Son that the world may have life: lead us to seek him among the outcast and to find him in those in need, for Jesus Christ's sake.
(Additional Collect for the Second Sunday after Christmas, Common Worship)
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