基督是普世之光, 他已經來臨, 驅散我們心內的黑暗. 在他的光明中, 讓我們反躬自省, 向上主承認我們的罪過.
恩寵之主, 真理之主, 我們自知卑下, 當不起以子女的身份立足於你前. 我們承認自己的罪過: 求主寬恕我們, 醫治我們.
童貞女馬利亞甘願聽從你的召命, 成為耶穌的母親. 請你原諒我們沒有遵從你的旨意. 上主, 我們錯了: 求主寬恕我們, 醫治我們.
你的聖子我們的救主降生在卑賤的馬槽裡. 請你原諒我們卻貪於擁有而背棄你的道路. 上主, 我們錯了: 求主寬恕我們, 醫治我們.
牧人放下羊群, 來到伯利恆. 請你原諒我們眼裡卻只有一己之私, 毫無遠大的目光. 上主, 我們錯了: 求主寬恕我們, 醫治我們.
賢士追隨景星跋涉長途, 尋找君王耶穌. 請你原諒我們不情願投奔你. 上主, 我們錯了: 求主寬恕我們, 醫治我們.
Christ the light of the world has come to dispel the darkness of our hearts. In his light let us examine ourselves and confess our sins.
(Silence is kept.)
Lord of grace and truth, we confess our unworthiness to stand in your presence as your children. We have sinned:
(All) forgive and heal us.
The Virgin Mary accepted your call to be the mother of Jesus. Forgive our disobedience to your will. We have sinned:
(All) forgive and heal us.
Your Son our Saviour was born in poverty in a manger. Forgive our greed and rejection of your ways. We have sinned:
(All) forgive and heal us.
The shepherds left their flocks to go to Bethlehem. Forgive our self-interest and lack of vision. We have sinned:
(All) forgive and heal us.
The wise men followed the star to find Jesus the King. Forgive our reluctance to seek you. We have sinned:
(All) forgive and heal us.
(Confession on Christmas, Common Worship)
基督是普世之光, 他已經來臨, 驅散我們心內的黑暗. 在他的光明中, 讓我們反躬自省, 向上主承認我們的罪過.
恩寵之主, 真理之主, 我們自知卑下, 當不起以子女的身份立足於你前. 我們承認自己的罪過: 求主寬恕我們, 醫治我們.
童貞女馬利亞甘願聽從你的召命, 成為耶穌的母親. 請你原諒我們沒有遵從你的旨意. 上主, 我們錯了: 求主寬恕我們, 醫治我們.
你的聖子我們的救主降生在卑賤的馬槽裡. 請你原諒我們卻貪於擁有而背棄你的道路. 上主, 我們錯了: 求主寬恕我們, 醫治我們.
牧人放下羊群, 來到伯利恆. 請你原諒我們眼裡卻只有一己之私, 毫無遠大的目光. 上主, 我們錯了: 求主寬恕我們, 醫治我們.
賢士追隨景星跋涉長途, 尋找君王耶穌. 請你原諒我們不情願投奔你. 上主, 我們錯了: 求主寬恕我們, 醫治我們.
Christ the light of the world has come to dispel the darkness of our hearts. In his light let us examine ourselves and confess our sins.
(Silence is kept.)
Lord of grace and truth, we confess our unworthiness to stand in your presence as your children. We have sinned:
(All) forgive and heal us.
The Virgin Mary accepted your call to be the mother of Jesus. Forgive our disobedience to your will. We have sinned:
(All) forgive and heal us.
Your Son our Saviour was born in poverty in a manger. Forgive our greed and rejection of your ways. We have sinned:
(All) forgive and heal us.
The shepherds left their flocks to go to Bethlehem. Forgive our self-interest and lack of vision. We have sinned:
(All) forgive and heal us.
The wise men followed the star to find Jesus the King. Forgive our reluctance to seek you. We have sinned:
(All) forgive and heal us.
(Confession on Christmas, Common Worship)
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